Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Deadline for UIFI is approaching

The Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute is like summer camp for Greek leaders. Fun, lots of bonding, hanging out, kissing in the hallways. OK, that's usually just the facilitators, but still, it's a great chance to refocus your energy, find out what other fraternity and sorority leaders are doing, and set some new directions for your Greek community.

If you've never heard of UIFI before, you should go to the North-American Interfraternity Conference's website and read about it. It's for both male and female leaders, by the way.

The deadline for early registration is May 1, then the price goes up $30. This is your reminder! Don't wait until after finals to register. You might not be able to get in.

If your Greek council is poorly funded, you might qualify for one of the multiple registration scholarships available. Several of these registration scholarships go unclaimed each year. Chances are, your national fraternity/sorority offers scholarships to leaders like you who want to go. The NIC has details about these scholarships. When you get one of these scholarships, you usually only have to find funds for your trip to Indianapolis. They also have a West Coast session, but it's almost filled up. Most spots will be full for all sessions by mid-May.

It's important to note that a trip to UIFI is not meant to be a vacation. Although there is fun, t-shirts, and cute IFC boys, it's meant to be a learning opportunity. Leave your alcohol at home and prepare for some mind stretching. Some of the very best professionals and volunteers in the interfraternal world serve as session facilitators.

If you have questions about UIFI, contact John Shertzer at shertzer@nicindy.org.