Sunday, July 26, 2009

The 70-percent budget

The new school year is about to start, and for many fraternity and sorority chapters, that means a new round of begging. Begging your members to pay their dues. At least 30-percent of your members will likely be unable to pay, unable to pay in a timely way, or just won't want to pay. No one likes to write that big check.

Assuming that you don't use one of the third-party financial providers like GreekBill or Omega Financial, this is an annual ritual that makes leaders crazy.

So, try this. Begin the year with two budgets: the 100-percent budget and the 70-percent budget. The 100% budget is the one that you will begin using when everyone has paid their dues. The 70% budget is the one you'll use until then. You can guess which budget will have more of the fun stuff in it. When people complain, let them know that they should be complaining to the brothers or sisters who haven't paid their dues.

What if only 80% of the members pay their dues? Well, then, you've got a nice savings from that extra 10% to cushion your chapter when you toss out all the losers who wouldn't support their organization the way they promised when they were initiated. Use that extra tiny bit of cash to help you recruit better, more responsible members.

Whatever you do, don't make the amateur mistake of giving your members the benefits of a 100% budget until they've earned it. That includes you, as officers. No retreats or conference registration fees until everyone has paid. Role model to your brothers and sisters the frugality that is necessary until everyone carries their weight.

The first year (or semester) of trying this usually brings some growing pains. But, the benefits down the line are tremendous. Less stress and begging on the part of future treasurers is chief among them.