Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bye, bye, phone trees! Text message systems have arrived

Have you heard about text messaging systems? New idea to me, but I love it. I think it's something that will be wonderful for athletic teams, programming boards, Greek chapters, and any other student organization that has a need to get out the word about events quickly to all their members or interested students.

Meeting canceled? Reminders about tonight's event in the Student Center? Practice time changed? In the old days, we had to jump on the phone and call everyone. Now, you can just log in, type up a quick message, push a button, and everyone gets the instantaneous update. Ain't technology grand?

The system I've been reading about online is The Gin System. I have no idea how much it costs, but they have a whole section dedicated to student organizations (I'm guessing that student organizations are ideal customers for this sort of service). If you know about other companies offering this service, shoot me an email.