Monday, July 14, 2008

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, Oct. 19

Have you heard of National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week? It's always the third Sunday in October through the following Saturday. Started by the Inter-Association Task Force in 1983, the observance was meant to draw national attention to issues surrounding alcohol abuse in the college environment.

NCAAW is a great opportunity to do some programming that emphasizes not only the poor choices many studens make, but also the fact that most college students make HEALTHY choices about the use or non-use of alcohol. Don't just focus on the problems -- focu on the good things that many people are doing to keep their friends safe. Promote ideas like being the designated driver, for example.

NCAAW officially begins Oct. 19, 2008, but many schools choose an alternate week when it conflicts with Homecoming or other big observances. The BACCHUS Network offers a bunch of promotional items that can help you create some awareness on your campus.