Monday, October 20, 2008

Lighten up a little during election week

Do you have a regularly-scheduled meeting on Tuesday nights? Yeah, you should probably cancel that meeting on November 4.

Election night is a huge cultural phenomenon, and this is the most dynamic election I've seen in my lifetime. It's not a good day/night to expect people to be productive or attentive to anything except the news. Most people will be watching their televisions, standing in long lines to vote, and feeling either elation or disappointment. There's a reason why Election Day is practically a national holiday.

I also think it's a good idea to go easy on the meeting and productivity demands on the day after Election Day. People are nursing a hangover, figuratively or literally. Cancel that Wednesday morning meeting, also.

Take a look at your calendar, and if yours is not a politically-oriented student group, lighten up the schedule for Election Week.