Thursday, October 18, 2007

You had it made, until he got laid...

So, everything was fine, and then suddenly one of your officers did something completely stupid and unforgivable. He got a girlfriend. She got a boyfriend. He dumped his girlfriend because he suddenly got a boyfriend. What do you do when a perfectly productive officer suddenly falls in love and loses her mind?

Hey, it happens. And frankly, there aren't too many stories that end with the student leader falling in love, then tearfully breaking it off with Prince Charming because there's that goal-setting retreat that simply has to take priority. Get my drift? If you expect your officer to choose his responsibilities over love, infatuation, excitement, and possibly life-changing sex, you're delusional. If he would move mountains for his new girlfriend, he'll certainly push off a few deadlines and tasks you've assigned him.

So, the best thing to do is to be supportive, for a while. Let him talk about the new woman. Let her gush about the new guy. Meet the new hot thing in his life and be friendly. Invite the new boyfriend to an event, or maybe take the lovebirds out for a meal. Don't be hurt because suddenly your officer is prioritizing hormones over committee meetings. Don't become the spurned lover who feels neglected. That's just silly.

Usually, things will chill a bit after a week or two, and the hot couple will either flame out, or they'll settle down a bit. If your officer ignores responsibilities for a week or two, you can compensate. If it continues for longer, then have a conversation. Ask him if he can handle both sets of demands in his life? If not, ask him to move aside and let someone else take over. If she can't handle an officer's job and a boyfriend, then deal with the situation.

Hey, love is grand. Feeling wanted and sexually satisfied? Doesn't get much better than that, let me tell ya. If you are running your organization effectively, it doesn't live or die by the efforts (or lack thereof) of any one officer or leader. You can't always make your organization everyone's Number One priority.

Chances are, your officer will get her head on straight and will come back to reality soon enough. Hell, she might even act like a more well-adjusted person with a better attitude (getting a little lovin' can do that to people). Or, she might quit, rent a U-Haul, and move in with the new girlfriend. Whatevah! These things happen.

It's a lesson worth learning as a leader. Sometimes your best people need a little room to live their lives. Give them that room, and they can often reward you with increased commitment, dedication, and effort.

And, who knows. Maybe his hot new girlfriend has a friend...