Monday, November 12, 2007

The Millenials Are Coming!

Last night on 60 Minutes, there was a segment called "The Millenials Are Coming!" The piece dealt with the attitudes about work held by those born between 1980 and 1995.

In my opinion, it painted a picture of a generation very ill-prepared for the real world of business. Among the main points in the segment: they need to be rewarded constantly, even if their work is only adequate; they care a lot more about their friends and fun than they do about their profession; they will bounce from job to job in search of happiness; they grew up being told constantly how special they are, and that has resulted in an enormous attitude of entitlement; they are all about multi-tasking; etc.

The primary question the segment posed is whether this generation will change the world of business for the better based on their values, or if their habits and ethics are going to have a negative impact on our economy.

I had an icky feeling after watching the segment. I understand that every generation looks down upon the values of the generations that follow it. I know this. But, still. Jesus! I wanted to smack the young people they interviewed in the segment. Actually, I wanted to punch their parents.

I would be interested to know if you think it painted a fair picture of the Millenial generation, because if it did, I don't want to hire anyone born after 1980 ever again. I have a feeling some of you will think it was a bit negative and that the generalizations are a bit unfair. I also thought that they only interviewed Millenials who live and work in New York City, and we all know that young professionals there live in a different world than the rest of us.

Judge for yourself by watching the 13 minute video here. Depending on when you are reading this, you might have to search for the video. It's called "The Millenials Are Coming!"