Saturday, May 10, 2008

Commencement Speech

Go start a fire.

It's a strange piece of advice, coming from the son of a firefighter. But, that's what I want you to do. Leave this place and go start a fire.

Gather everything you've done to this point into a big pile and light it ablaze. It's only purpose now is to provide fuel and energy. Create a fire that warms others and sets the darkest places alight. Start a fire that comforts, and spreads, and guides.

Remember that fire can also destroy, so tend your fire and burn it responsibly. That said, toss on something explosive now and then, because a fire is more interesting when it crackles than when it smolders.

There will be times when tending makes you tired, and it's nice to have others who help you keep things burning. Add to theirs, too, because there's far too much for any single one of us to burn.

Most of all, remember that fire is unpredictable. You can shape your fate no more than you can shape the flames. And someday, when only ashes remain, pray that they nourish and bring new life. For in that way, your fire will have shaped the landscape.

Go from here, and start a fire. You have everything you need. There is no need to be afraid.

Happy graduation.