Friday, May 2, 2008

Wave goodbye to your advisor...

Summer is a big transition time for people in Student Affairs. It's almost impossible to find a job in November or February, but it seems like the whole damn field turns over every June. If you are a student reading this, that means that there is a chance that you might arrive back on campus in August and see some new faces in the advisor chairs.

Sometimes you know this is happening, and other times it's a complete surprise.

If you know your advisor is leaving, then be sure to stay in touch with them after they leave. They will probably be very happy to remain a resource for you after they've left for their new job. This is why God created Mark Elliott Zuckerberg in 1984, and Mark created Facebook.

If you know your advisor is leaving, then you need to stay in touch with your Student Activities Office (or the Dean, whatever) over the summer, and find out when a replacement has been hired. Be one of the first to welcome your new advisor to his or her new job. Getting to know your new advisor and developing that relationship will be absolutely key to your success next year.

The important thing is to not be caught by surprise. If you're going away for the summer, stay in touch with the people working in your student life office so you can stay apprised of any personnel changes. They happen suddenly – you never know who is going to leave – and you want to be able to stay "in the know" as a student leader. All of these changes affect you.

By the way, I have no idea what this image is, but it's a bunch of people waving goodbye, which felt representational of this gypsy tribe we call student affairs professionals.