Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Shout Out: Cal State Chico

Just returning from Chico, CA, and a terrific night of speaking to Greek leaders there. Their community has been through a lot of change in the last several years, and they are trying to emerge from all the drama in a positive way. Like one leader told me last night, "I feel like the Greek community is something completely different than what I joined three years ago. Good or bad, it's left us pretty confused about what the hell we're doing."

Change is always hard, whether you perceive it as forced upon you, or well overdue. Last night, I spent time with the IFC, Panhellenic, and MGC leaders of the Chico State Greek community urging them to stop playing defense and to start playing offense. Instead of having change dictated to them, it's time for them to start setting standards and exceeding the expectations of their university community. Only when they decide that they are going to push for positive change will the university stand beside them instead of behind them, pushing. I also encouraged them to start building a bank of allies on campus who will help them move in the positive direction -- a board of directors, if you will.

So, SHOUT OUT to the Greek leaders at Chico. I was impressed by their honesty and willingness to share. Unlike many Greeks who have been through immense change, they weren't whiny. They are unsure about how to be the leaders who tip things toward the positive. But, I heard a lot of good things from them, and the start of a new school year is a great time to make things happen.