Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blogging from NACA, or "Of Mice and Men"

The final day of NACA in St. Louis. A few random tidbits:

• Um, this conference is too damn long.

• Hooray! Two contracts for Kelly and Becca on site and another dozen "strong interests." This is very good news.

• Mike McGee is a poet. Normally, I wouldn't get that excited about poets at NACA. Most of the poets I've seen at NACA conferences are angry and yelling, and I don't relate to them much. But, Mike is hysterical and his poems were really funny and relevant to a broader audience, I thought. He made poetry cool for me, and that hasn't ever happened before. Check him out here. He has a podcast, too. Mike was so good that both Isaiah and I loved him and wanted to meet him after his showcase. Hire him to your campus. He rocks.

• So, how much do you love this picture with Remy, Emile and Isaiah? Isaiah SO did not want to be in this picture, but I made him.

Off to Mississippi, Georgia and Texas this weekend!